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A La Carte (7/12)

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We have planned a day at the beach today which means that it will largely involve a beach chair, a Kindle and a selection of cold beverages. And, of course, I’ll spend some time making sand castles with the kids. Sounds like the makings of a good day…

The Lure of the LED – This article discusses texting and how we now like to text whenever and wherever we are. It also looks at the psychology of it. Interesting stuff.

Hating Hell – Kevin DeYoung wonders whether it is okay for Christians to acknowledge the existence of hell, but to not like the doctrine. That’s a good question and he answers it well.

A New Nation Rises – A collection of photos from South Sudan. “The world has a new nation. The Republic of South Sudan officially seceded from Sudan on July 9, ending a 50-year struggle marked by decades of civil war.”

O For a Thousand Tongues – A new, free hymn from Redemption Hill music. Be sure to download the other 2 hymns they have made freely available.

Family Games that Avoid the Screen – Here is a roundup of some family board games, including information on how difficult and how fun they are.

Shannon Stone – Denny Burk writes a short tribute to the man who fell to his death at a recent baseball game.

Failure Is Not an Option – Collin Hansen discusses the value of failure and shows how our society is unwilling to let children fail. “Your kids will fail. This is both inevitable and also necessary. Apparently not many parents today want to hear this uncomfortable fact. And they certainly don’t want to implement it in how they discipline their children.”

He who prays as he ought will endeavour to live as he prays.

—John Owen

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