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A La Carte (7/11)

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Bell’s Hell – This is rather an interesting blog post from the editor of Rob Bell’s book Love Wins. It’s another case of someone marveling that Christians were quick and vocal in defending a core doctrine of the faith. How is that surprising?

A Testimony – I enjoyed reading Phil Johnson’s testimony of how the Lord saved him.

Iranian Pastor to be Executed – “Christians in Iran have challenged news reports that the death penalty for pastor Yousef Nadarkhani has been annulled, saying that in reality the country’s supreme court appears to have added a precondition requiring him to renounce his faith or face execution.”

Get Socialized – This is an interesting article about the inevitability of social media. “A sign of the times is that Vernon Loeb, Post Local editor, has begun mandatory social media training for the reporters and editors on the Metro staff. This means that most editors and reporters, if they haven’t already, will be setting up Twitter and Facebook accounts and using other social media tools to monitor, report and convey the news from around the Beltway.” (HT)

India’s Grassroots Revival – From CT: “With its people turning to Christ in waves, India hosts more believers now than at any time in its 4,000-year history.”

Singing Psalms – This blog has quite a good series on reclaiming Psalms in the church’s worship. “The issue of Psalm-singing serves as a crucible in which our belief in the authority, power, and sufficiency of scripture is tested. How can those involved in leading the worship of the church reject Psalm-singing if they believe in the profitability of scripture and if they see the command, significance, and benefit to singing the Psalms?”

If you are to have peace with God there must be war with Satan.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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