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A La Carte (7/1)

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Happy Canada Day! It’s July 1 which makes it Canada up here in the great white north–a day we celebrate the great nation God has given us. It’s always a good day.

Who Is Coming to America? – An interesting infographic.

Erasing Hell – Monergism Books is offering great pricing on Francis Chan’s new book Erasing Hell (which is, of course, a response to Rob Bell’s Love Wins). They also have a very deep discount on R.C. Sproul’s When Worlds Collide ($3.75) and Carl Trueman’s new Reformation: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Good Bible Translators – Andy Naselli shares an excerpt that shows just some of the difficulties that come in trying to translate God’s Word.

Search Committees – Mark Dever asks what’s wrong with pastoral search committees. He also answers the question, of course.

Cruciform Press – I’m encouraged by what this pastor says about Cruciform Press: “Thus far, I’ve received Cruciform, But God and Smooth Stones. I’ve managed to read each book in less than a day (usually two sittings), but each has required significantly longer to consider and think about. I don’t know what your book budget is, but I’m almost certain you can justify $6.49 to broaden your theological scope and widen it’s depth. I honestly don’t think you can afford not to.”

Like Whatever, You Know – You’ll enjoy this, I think. (HT)

Do not give fair names to foul sins. Call them what you will, they will smell no sweeter.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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