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A La Carte (6/9)

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Monday June 9, 2008

Books for the Beach
C.J. Mahaney says “If you’re like me and you think of summer reading as synonymous with enjoyable reading, you might find Al [Mohler’s summer reading] list somewhat intimidating.” C.J. offers an alternate list.

Tax Rebate Boosts Ministries
The Christian Post has a story of how tax rebates are being used to help ministries.

Living and Surviving
Here’s an interesting look at the difference between living and surviving. “Just because medicine can sustain the body for awhile longer, that doesn’t mean it should always do so. Life is more than a beating heart.”

Blank Reformation Study Bible
This blogger has made up a Reformation Study Bible with alternating blank pages…and he is giving it away.

The Wonder of Idiotic Perseverance
John Piper shares a stirring example of “idiotic” perseverance for the faith.

Transvestite Invasion: Truth Evasion
Doug Groothuis writes about the recent legislation passed in Colorado that basically allows anyone to enter any public bathroom.

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