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A La Carte (6/8)

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Dana Key – I was sorry to hear that Dana Key of Degarmo & Key fame died this past weekend. I used to love listening to his music back in my younger days. Good memories.

Digital Overtaking Print – Sony has boldly predicted that within five years there will be more digital content sold than physical content (music, books, periodicals, etc, etc). We’re on the cusp of a media revolution here.

C.S. Lewis Biography – This is exciting news: “Alister McGrath, internationally-known apologist, educator and bestselling author, is writing a definitive biography of C. S. Lewis, coming from Tyndale House Publishers in 2013, the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Lewis.”

Your Brain on Computers – I’ve been posting a lot of articles like this lately, but I think this is an issue we need to be thinking about.

Pious Rapper Helps Resurrect Bat – OK, mostly I like the headline. But the story’s okay too, especially if you’re a baseball fan.

Toronto Pastors Conference – You’re running out of time to sign up for the Toronto Pastors Conference. If you’re a pastor and you are in or near Toronto, you’ll want to check it out. The theme is “Gospel Connections: Keeping the Death and Resurrection of Jesus at the Centre of Everything.”

Church Names in the US – Here are some interesting facts about churches in the US, including which names are most common, which saints lend their names to the most churches, and so on.

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