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A La Carte (6/6)

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Snake-Handling Believers – This is a fascinating article from The Tennessean: “Since the early 1900s, a handful of true believers in East Tennessee and other parts of Appalachia have practiced the so-called signs of the gospel, found in a little-known passage in the King James Version of the Gospel of Mark.”

What Every Husband Needs to Know – Gloria Furman tells us what every husband needs to know about stay at home moms. (Here’s another article on a similar subject)

Was Solomon a Good King? – “The reign of King Solomon is traditionally viewed as the Golden Age of Israel’s history. A king known for his great wisdom, Solomon oversaw an era of peace and prosperity, expanded Israel’s boundaries in every direction, and ordered the construction of the Temple.” But there’s more to the story.

Rural Ministry – When so many church planting and church growth strategies insist upon the importance of the city, it’s important to affirm that rural ministry is not second rate.

Southern Baptists and Salvation – You may have heard of that recent document titled “A Statement of the Traditional Southern Baptist Understanding of God’s Plan of Salvation.” Al Mohler tells us what it is, why it matters, and why he can’t sign it.

Those that will not be governed by God’s scepter will certainly and justly be devoured by his sword.

—Matthew Henry

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