A Hundredfold – This is a powerful article. “Homosexuality is an issue I have battled with my entire Christian life. It took a long time to admit to myself, longer to admit to others, and even longer to see something of God’s good purposes through it all. There have been all sorts of ups and downs. But this battle is not devoid of blessings, as Paul discovered with his own unyielding thorn in the flesh. Struggling with sexuality has been an opportunity to experience more of God’s grace, rather than less.”
“Radical” Three Years Later – David Platt reflects on Radical three years and a million copies later.
Struggle Theology – Steve Cornell read Monday’s article on pornography and offers some helpful comments on “Struggle Theology.”
Reaching Muslims – Tabletalk magazine has an interview with Abdul Saleeb, who converted from Islam to Christianity. I was particularly interested to read his answer to this question: “Many Muslims claim to have seen Jesus in their dreams, and, as a result, some have professed faith in Christ. What are your thoughts on these widespread reports of Muslims seeing Jesus in their dreams?”
Ben Zobrist – Ben Zobrist is a major league baseball player and a guy who really gets the gospel. Here he talks about success, failure, and heart idolatries. (HT)
Every yielding to sin is a welcoming of Satan into our very bosoms.
—Thomas Brooks