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A La Carte (6/5)

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Christianity, Unplugged – “In the twenty-first century, being alone and withdrawing mean much more than being the only person in the room. They mea n being unplugged. In our appreciation for the help that technology can bring, we have perhaps been unaware of its more subtle dangers.”

Teaching Preaching – Pastors and church leaders may want to take a look at this article from The Briefing. It describes how one man went about teaching his future leaders to preach.

C.H. Spurgeon Quotes – Charles Spurgeon may well be the most quotable preacher in the history of the church. This is a new site dedicated to sharing some of his best quotes. Most of them are around a paragraph in length.

Acorn Antenna – I love YouTube because it allows me to see things like this.

Maintaining Stability in China – Gene Veith excerpts the most important bits of an interesting article that discusses what it means to “maintain stability” in China.

Isaiah by the Day – Collin Hansen has an interesting interview with Alec Motyer who recently published Isaiah by the Day. Motyer talks about the book of Isaiah, how to understand it, and so on.

Satisfied In You – Brian Eichelberger’s adaption of Psalm 42 is really powerful.

The only certain proof of my election is that today I am following the Lord.

—R.C. Lucas

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