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A La Carte (6/4)

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Grace to You – The June issue of Tabletalk magazine has an interview with John MacArthur. I think the most interesting bit comes at the end where he discusses his friendship with R.C. Sproul.

That Dog Walking to Two Legs – In this article Carl Trueman writes about a research service meant to help pastors prepare their sermons. Even though I do not use such a service and don’t know anyone who does, I still found it a valuable read because of the way Trueman argues against it.

The Daniel Diet – Michael Horton writes about the Daniel Diet, the subject of a recent article in TIME and a diet that Rick Warren is endorsing (and using at Saddleback).

The Seduction of Pornography – This is a very helpful article from Dr. Mohler, primarily because of his discussion of the ways in which a husband “earns” the privilege of sex within marriage. “When I say that a husband must regularly ‘earn’ privileged access to the marital bed, I mean that a husband owes his wife the confidence, affection, and emotional support that would lead her to freely give herself to her husband in the act of sex.”

Tim Keller’s Top-Ten Evangelism Tips – “A while ago on our elder retreat we listened to a talk Tim Keller gave at Lausanne. As part of that talk he gave 10 tips to help our lay folk in their evangelism. They were so helpful I wanted to put them down somewhere, so here they are…”

Fred Luter – The L.A. Times profiles Fred Luter, the man who will soon be the first black president of the Southern Baptist Convention.

A Marriage Sermon – Jim Hamilton raves about Denny Burk’s sermon on marriage. I listened to it this morning and found it well worth the listen. It serves as a great marriage refresher. Do yourself a favor and don’t read the poem on Jim’s site until you’ve heard it in the sermon.

No attribute of God is more dreadful to sinners than his holiness.

—Matthew Henry

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