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A La Carte (6/30)

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The Pain of Loneliness – This is an article I wrote for Boundless; they published it yesterday. “Could you go just one day without checking e-mail? And without logging in to Facebook? And without using a cell phone? And without turning on your television? Could you go 24 hours without using any media at all? This was a question put forward by the International Center for Media and Public Affairs and a challenge accepted by 1,000 university students worldwide.”

Family Worship – This sentence alone makes this article worth a read: “There is a reason kids loved to be around Jesus, and it wasn’t because he was lecturing at length about the Torah or the Five Points of Calvinism.”

My Dad’s 5 Vows – Ray Ortlund: “On 19 June 2003 my dad wrote down these five vows that he made before the Lord…”

Yard Sale – For 24 hours on June 30th only, Shepherd Press is offering a list of 6 titles for $1.99 each. This sale will begin at 12:00am Eastern on June 30th and will conclude at 11:59pm. There will be a limit of 10 copies of each discounted item per order.

Email Charter – We all need something like this. (HT)

Trellis & Vine – There will be a series of Trellis & Vine conferences this Fall. “If you had to draw a diagram that represented the ministry in your church,what would it look like? What if our mental image was not of an organisation or a structure but of the people God had brought together in our church? And what if the key question we asked was: Who is getting alongside each person to invest in their livesand help them grow towards maturity in Christ? This is a different vision of church—not as an organisation, but as a community of disciple-making disciples.” Sounds intriguing.

Don’t Waste Your Life – This message doesn’t ever really get old, does it?

If the God of the Bible is the one true and living God, the keeping of his precepts is the only true morality.

—R.B. Kuiper

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