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A La Carte (6/30)

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How Rude Was Jesus?
This week Mounce looks to Jesus’ words to his mother at the wedding of Cana to seek to understand whether (as many have said) those words were rude.

Letter to a Pastors’ Wife
From the True Woman blog: “Believe it or not, one of the things I would love to be is … a pastor’s wife! Obviously, there’s not much I can do about that. But, I did have fun asking several current and former pastors’ wives to share their words of wisdom with me–just in case God has this in store for me. The following letter is from my current pastor’s wife, Holly. I love it. I hope it will help you as you seek to support, love, and respect your pastor and his wife as they shoulder the responsibilities and burdens of shepherding the church daily. So, here you are…”

Keeping a Child’s Gender a Secret
Jill Stanek reports on this awful story. “Pop’s parents, both 24, made a decision when their baby was born to keep Pop’s sex a secret. Aside from a select few – those who have changed the child’s diaper – nobody knows Pop’s gender; if anyone enquires, Pop’s parents simply say they don’t disclose this information.”

Firefox 3.5 Review
Firefox 3.5 releases today and Slate has an early review. If you’re still using Internet Explorer, this is probably a good day to make the switch.

Deal of the Day: Ligonier Clearance
Ligonier Ministries has a great clearance area where you can get some good bargains. For example, Onward Christian Soldiers which originally sold for $16.00 is now marked down to just $6.08. There are lots of good titles, both new and old.

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