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A La Carte (6/25)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Power of Prayer – Here’s the story behind a wonderful photograph. “Moments before I was to walk down the aisle my soon to be mother in law came in the dressing room where my bridesmaids and I were all gushing with giggles and fluttering about finishing last minute details. ‘Sweetheart, your groom has called for you!’.” (HT)

If You Find a Baby Songbird – Here’s the right procedure if you happen to find a baby songbird no longer in his nest.

Prudent Pragmatism – “As Bible-believing Christians, we insist that everything we do be based on the Bible. And yet I’ll bet that of the decisions you made today, 99 percent of them were not direct applications of Scripture, but were pragmatic in nature. What color should you paint the church? Should you have lunch with Joe or with Tim? What words will best serve your wife when you walk through the door?”

Epidemic of Psychiatric Over-Diagnosis – “More and more people around you are being diagnosed with depression or ADHD, but is that an illusion? There is an epidemic in America, but it’s not an epidemic of psychiatric disorders–it’s an epidemic of over-diagnosis that’s making billions for pharmaceutical companies and the doctors prescribing these drugs.”

A Letter from Dad – This is powerful! It is a letter from a father to his special needs son.

There is nothing more important to learn about Christian growth than this: Growing in grace means becoming like Christ.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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