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A La Carte (6/25)

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Gossip Affects Your Spiritual Waistline
Chris Brauns: “Bits of gossip are like chocolate nuggets: smooth and creamy, they melt in your mouth: it tastes good to be in the loop; it is sweet to hear someone else notice the same weaknesses in another that have frustrated you; it feels spiritual to ask for prayer – – gossip and grumbling and complaining are a tempting treat.”

A More Powerful Fed
Just what America needs: “During the debate over financial regulation, the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, has been surprisingly quiet. But behind the scenes, he has been a forceful proponent of giving the Fed more power, both defending his management of the economic crisis and arguing that more authority would help the agency act more decisively to reduce the chances of a recurrence, according to interviews with lawmakers and officials from the Fed, the Treasury and the White House.”

How to Live Well Financially
Randy Alcorn offers wise counsel about making wise financial decisions.

A Wedding Story
Ali shares a great little wedding story from the other side of the world. “Bright and early on Saturday morning, we got our whole group down to the dock to find that, in typical West African fashion, the drivers we had chartered were ready to go, but refused to leave until we paid them an extra ten thousand cefa (about twenty US dollars). It was seven fifteen in the morning, the wedding was scheduled to begin at two thirty, and we were off to a promising start.”

No Country for Burly Men
I found this rather interesting: “A ‘man-cession.’ That’s what some economists are starting to call it. Of the 5.7 million jobs Americans lost between December 2007 and May 2009, nearly 80 percent had been held by men. Mark Perry, an economist at the University of Michigan, characterizes the recession as a ‘downturn’ for women but a ‘catastrophe’ for men.”

Deal of the Day: Does Grace Grow Best in Winter?
RHB has Ligon Duncan’s new book on sale, today only.

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