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A La Carte (6/24)

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Tell Me What to Write – A little while ago I added a component to my site that allows you to a) suggest topics for me to write about and b) vote other people’s suggestions up or down. So far this has proven a really interesting thing and it’s given me some good direction for future writing. Feel free to chime in!

N SKY C – Here is the average color of the New York sky, updated every 5 minutes. Weird but kind of cool.

Here Comes the Sun – Speaking of the sky (how’s that for a forced segue) here’s a photo essay that “offers some glimpses of the power, beauty, and transforming presence of the sun, taken since the beginning of June.”

Unblocking Writer’s Block – Here are some ways of unblocking writer’s block.

Unexpected Jobless Claims – Joe Carter pretty much sticks it to the media with this article. “There are two things the media never expects: (1) The Spanish Inquisition and (2) increases in jobless claims. In 19 of the past 24 months, the media has considered it ‘unexpected’ when jobless claims increase.”

Leaders Who Last – Here’s something for Toronto-area leaders to consider.

Sleep On It – It’s rarely a bad idea to sleep on it. Apparently it also makes a lot of sense scientifically.

10 Brands That Will Disappear – “24/7 Wall St. has created a new list of brands that will disappear, which includes Sears, Sony Pictures, American Apparel, Nokia, Saab, A&W All-American Foods Restaurants, Soap Opera Digest, Sony Ericsson, MySpace, and Kellog’s Corn Pops.” (HT)

Do not work so hard for Christ that you have no strength to pray, for prayer requires strength.

—Hudson Taylor

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