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A La Carte (6/22)

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St. Andrews Hymns – I’ve been enjoying this new album of reimagined hymns. You can listen to the whole thing at the site. There are a few well-known ones, and a few that you may not have sung before. (lyrics are here)

Is Obama a Christian? – Owen Strachan writes about how Christians might think about the Gospel and the President, suggesting that there is little evidence that he is a Christian. Another writer responds and disagrees.

$5 Friday – This week’s $5 Friday at Ligonier is a good one. There’s a Sinclair Ferguson book for $5 (in hardcover, even) and several R.C. Sproul teaching series.

The 2012 SBC Convention – Al Mohler shares some reflections on the 2012 Southern Baptist Convention. From what I’ve been reading, it seems like it was a particularly noteworthy event.

Acknowledging Daily Mercies – Part of the joy of doing Reading Classics Together is in seeing how other people respond to the books we read. Here’s a reflection I enjoyed on a chapter in The Hidden Life of Prayer.

Aging Biblically – Here’s a word from Francis Chan on aging biblically. This is an urgent issue when you consider that the people who watch the most television (something like 7.5 hours a day!) are those 65 and older. Too few people use their later years well.

Stop Stealing from Your Children – “There’s a crime wave going on in your neighborhood—possibly even in your own home. It’s a crime wave that won’t make it to the nightly news, but not because it isn’t serious, for it scars generations and teaches them to commit the same crime.”

Biblical orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world.

—Francis Schaeffer

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