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A La Carte (6/21)

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Does College Cause Young Adults to Lose Their Faith? – Glenn Stanton: “Do the years and experiences of college actually contribute to our young people losing or walking away from their faith? The answer – and the reasons for it – might surprise you.”

How the Court Could Rule – The New York Times looks at how the Supreme Court could rule on same-sex marriage.

Exodus International – “Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality announced tonight that it’s closing its doors after three-plus decades of ministry. The Board of Directors reached a decision after a year of dialogue and prayer about the organization’s place in a changing culture.”

Canadian Words and Phrases – Here are eleven words and phrases you probably won’t understand unless you’re Canadian (and, for kicks, eleven more).

Reading a Lot of Books – Here is one reader’s secret to reading a lot of books.

The Economics of Eating Out – “When it comes to restaurants, the correlation between price and enjoyment can seem low to non-existent. For every great meal that justifies a splurge, how many other restaurants serve up food that can’t beat a favorite deli or regular takeout place?”

To forsake Christ for the world, is to leave a treasure for a trifle, eternity for a moment, reality for a shadow.

—William Jenkyn

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