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A La Carte (6/21)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Thursday June 21, 2007

Bible: BibleMapper is a really interesting program “that helps you quickly and easily create customized maps of the Holy Lands or study a particular period and aspect of Bible history.” It is available for free.

Contest: I have announced the winners of the Discerning Reader contest over at DR.

Blogs: 9Marks Ministries has just begun a new blog called Church Matters. I’m sure it’s going to prove worth a bookmark or the addition to your RSS reader.

Conference: Desiring God has opened registration to this year’s national conference “Stand: A Call for the Endurance of the Saints.” Speakers are John MacArthur, Jerry Bridges, Randy Alcorn, Helen Roseveare and John Piper.

Media: I found this article an interesting perspective on the news, especially after recently reading “Amusing Ourselves to Death.”

Books: Monergism Books is having a sale on all Banner of Truth sets. This is your chance to get books by Owen, Edwards, Sibbes, etc for lower than ever before.

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