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A La Carte (6/19)

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Got $100? Buy a Home in Detroit!
“If an e-mail popped up in your inbox promising a house for $100, you’d expect to see it sent from a guy in Nigeria asking you to wire him several thousand dollars first. But this depressed housing market dream is real. And Detroit, Michigan, artist Jon Brumit and his wife, Sarah, are living it.” This is amazing: in Detroit “the average home price dipped to $11,533 in April…”

Outside the Lines: Evangelicals and Sports Celebrities
This is an interesting article from ESPN which covers Randy and Paula White and their “ministry” to sports stars.”In the early to mid-1990s, White said, he frequently placed the professional athletes in his church on a pedestal, parading them for the benefit of starstruck members. Athletes were given the option of preferential parking, preferred front-row seating and private time with the Whites, something that became increasingly rare for regular church members as the Whites’ collective star rose in the world of Christian televangelism. “

Prints for Adoption
As a means to raise funds to adopt a child from Uganda, Jason Kovacs is selling some great prints featuring some of his best photography.

Calvin the Charismatic
The Bayly Blog dispels the myth that Calvinists cannot be expressive in worship, kneeling in prayer or raising hands. They turn to Calvin himself to prove this.

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