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A La Carte (6/18)

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This is a slightly abbreviated A La Carte. I was away on a Father and Son’s retreat this weekend and am still in catch-up mode. Here are a few of the links I was able to collect after all the burning , shooting, throwing and other manly things were done.

Teen Video Consumption – Here’s an infographic that displays just how much online video teens are consuming these days. Answer: a lot.

Off the eBook Shelf – The revolution is underway and there’s no going back! “Readers are voting with their wallets: The eBook is winning. In the US, eBooks sales are now topping hardcovers for the first time.”

Tuning the Preacher’s Ear – I appreciated this article from Cornelius Plantinga. He writes about how good reading helps good preaching.

God Is Love – Monergism Books has God Is Love by Gerald Bray on sale for 50% off. “This volume is unique from others in that Bray traces the common theme of God’s love through the Bible categorically—from God’s love for himself and his creation to the cross as the ultimate expression of God’s love, among other categories.” Remember as well that Wayne Grudem’s systematic theology lectures are still available there for free.

A praying Christian is a useful Christian in the world.

—Jeremiah Burroughs

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