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A La Carte (6/17)

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Tuesday June 17, 2008

When You Weren’t Looking
Ben Stein offers a reflection for Father’s Day. “O, brilliant kids, I was a fool just like you. I was in my mid-40s before I properly thanked my father for his decades of hard work…”

The Oak Anniversary
A couple in England has just celebrated their 80th wedding anniversary. The couple list the secret of their happy marriage as “a little kiss before bed, trips to bingo and good plain English food”.

Firefox 3
Firefox 3 releases today and the Mozilla team is hoping to set a world record for the most downloads. The software will be available at 10 AM PST. If you are still using Internet Explorer, well, it’s time to upgrade!

Dekker to Write for General Market
Christian author Ted Dekker will be writing at least two novels for Hachette. They will be targeted at the mainstream market.

Do Hard Things in WSJ
The Wall Street Journal has a brief interview with Brett and Alex Harris on their book Do Hard Things.

Save Your Own Life
Reader’s Digest offers tips on how to save your life (or someone else’s) in a variety of emergency situations.

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