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A La Carte (6/15)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Sharing the Gospel – This was a fun and encouraging little story. A pastor went to Office Depot to have some of the Visual Theology posters printed and it led to a great witnessing opportunity.

Regret Over Pornography – What having a child can do. “Martin Daubney, who worked as an editor with Loaded magazine for eight years, admitted that the birth of his son in 2009 brought home the reality of the damage that he had caused, as his magazine not only objectified women but also promoted and normalised pornography before a young audience.”

A Letter to Sam Harris – This blogger pens an open letter to Sam Harris. It’s worth reading.

Data Art or Science – The growing field of data visualization is putting quantitative evidence to what used to be a guy feeling. In some ways I liked the old way better.

Captivated – “If you’re reading this blog, and you probably are, you need to watch this movie. Even if you’re not reading this blog, you need to watch this movie.”

Leading Your Family Well – “All of us know tragic stories of wives and children of pastors, church planters, and missionaries who grow up to hate the church. These stories could have been avoided, in many cases, if the leader in the home had not neglected his family.”

There is not one blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make us rejoice.

—John Calvin

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