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A La Carte (6/15)

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Bethlehem’s Antioch Moment – Desiring God reports on John Piper’s proposed succession plan at Bethlehem. “My proposal to the elders—and it comes from Noël and me, not just me (we have talked a lot about this, as you can imagine)—is that I transition from pastor for preaching and vision to a fulltime writing and BCS teaching and mentoring and wider speaking role on June 30, 2014—three years from now.”

Clarifying Congregationalism – 9Marks has more to say in relation to James MacDonald and his comments about church government.

Studies in Biblical Theology – Westminster Books has great prices on the New Studies in Biblical Theology series which is edited by D.A. Carson.

Bringing Missions Home – Trevin Wax interviews Tim Kessee who you may have seen in the Dispatches from the Front DVDs.

Greek NT for Kindle – If you’ve ever wanted the Greek New Testament for your Kindle, it’s now available for free.

Kindle Tips, Tricks and Resources – Nathan Bingham has put together a really good list of tips, tricks and resources for your Kindle.

Q&A with Owl City – Christianity Today has an interview with Adam Young (aka Owl City) on his new album (which I’m quite enjoying).

Hugh Hefner Will Die Alone – Byron Yawn on the lure of pornography: “It’s all a lie. We know it’s not real. We know it will never deliver. We know too well how it destroys people and marriages. Yet we believe what it says. Every time we do it mocks us for our stupidity.”

Early Innings – This is a great little movie for the baseball fan.

God is more concerned with the state of people’s hearts than with the state of their feelings.

—A.W. Tozer

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