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A La Carte (6/15)

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O Pulpit, Where Art Thou?
Erik Kowalker visited over thirty churches in the Portland area and noticed a conspicuous absence of pulpits. He combines this observation with the traditional centrality of the pulpit in Reformed churches and it leads to some interesting food for thought.

The Rise of Child Abuse as a Result of Abortion
Randy Alcorn: “My belief is that when people believe it’s okay to kill a child before he’s born, because an adult has rights over his life, then inevitably it will become more acceptable to beat him up once he’s born.”

Classical Music with Shining Eyes
A talk from TED: “Benjamin Zander has two infectious passions: classical music, and helping us all realize our untapped love for it — and by extension, our untapped love for all new possibilities, new experiences, new connections. “

Where Do All the Colors Go at Night?
Al Mohler: “One of the most lamentable aspects of modern life is the disappearance of silence. Throughout most of human history, silence has been a part of life. Many individuals lived a significant portion of their lives in silence, working in solitude and untroubled by the intrusion of constant noise.”

Chuckle du Jour
This may be the first time I’ve posted a joke in a la carte. In this case, it’s worth it. (HT: Amy)

Deal of the Day: A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards
“50% off A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards by George M. Marsden. At checkout insert the coupon code – edwards – and $3 will be removed from the price of the book. One copy per customer. Coupon lasts until June 17th or while supplies last.”

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