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A La Carte (6/13)

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Friday June 13, 2008

Desiring God National Conference
Registration is now open. This year’s topic: The Power of Words and the Wonder of God. Speakers include Driscoll, Ferguson, Kauflin, Tripp…

Youth “Must Read” Lists
Doctrine Matters is asking your help in putting together a must-read reading list for youth.

Space Wallpapers
If you still haven’t prettied up your desktop, here’s another chance.

Working Man Hands
My most recent article at Boundless.

A Bookmark for Book Lovers
This page aggregates many of the best sites and best blogs dealing with books, reading, etc.

Wow and Not Wow
Michael Hyatt has some interesting thoughts about the latest version of the iPhone. “Creating WOW experiences is all about exceeding the customer’s current expectations. A year ago–before the first iPhone was announced–today’s announcement would have blown people’s socks off. But unfortunately, yesterday’s WOW experience is today’s expectation.”

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