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A La Carte (6/10)

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One of the genuine joys that has followed the release of The Next Story is the opportunities it has given me to talk to others about the ideas it contains. Last week I sat down with Bruxy Cavey who is a pastor of a local multisite megachurch in the Brethren in Christ tradition. I really enjoyed our time together. Later in the fall we’ll have another podcast where we discuss Calvinism and Arminianism. But for now, you may enjoy this episode of the Meeting House Roundtable.

How My Wife Prays for Me – This is beautiful.

Collapsing Under the Weight of Books – “A Canadian woman’s house is collapsing under the weight of the 350,000 books she rescued from a neighbour who was planning to burn them after her bibliophile husband died.”

Praise to the Lord – Here’s another free song from Redemption Hill Music. Be sure to download “Rock of Ages” as well.

Consistency – My friend Julian is reflecting on life as he hits his 30th birthday. I enjoyed his reflections on the importance and difficulty of consistency.

Horror in Sudan – EPM makes a plea for prayer for Sudan. Some of the things that are going on there are so evil, so horrific, they are almost impossible to believe.

Concubines – Veith draws attention to an interesting article about modern day concubines.

About Your Ugly Wife – David writes a post that is not about whether it’s okay to wear makeup.

5 Biggest Exercise Myths – “Truth is, today’s most sacred exercise guidelines originated in the ’40s and ’50s, a time when castration was a cutting-edge treatment for prostate cancer, and endurance exercise was thought to be harmful to women. Worse, so-called fitness experts across the country are still spewing these same old conventional wisdoms, despite plenty of research indicating that they (the experts and the wisdoms) aren’t wise at all.” (HT:Z)

Do not try to imagine God, or you will have an imaginary God.

—A.W. Tozer

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