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A La Carte (6/10)

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Tuesday June 10, 2008

What I Want for Father’s Day
You know by now that I’m an Amazon deal hunter. I thought this was a particularly good one–a one day sale on a $400 men’s watch that knocks it down to $99 (with free one-day shipping).

Rick Warren’s 10 Commandments
Here are Rick Warren’s 10 Commandments for Ministry Staff. This is wise counsel!

Rediscovering the Psalms
At Reformation21 Joe Holland has a good article about rediscovering the Psalms.

An Idea Whose Time Has Come
This blogger presents the periodic table of elements and asks which of them we should tax next (since Carbon is now being widely taxed).

Christianity Today Relishes Sexual Perversion
Ted Slater of Boundless fame takes on Christianity Today and their positive review of “Sex and the City.” “Your defense is a study in spin and Straw Man fallacies. You insist that you were simply “reviewing” the film. No, you are promoting it.”

Five Hindrances to Self-Control
“Here are five reasons that we struggle so much with it, five hindrances to self-control…”

Reforming the Pew
Thabiti Anyabwile introduces his forthcoming book “What Is A Healthy Church Member?”

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