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A La Carte (6/1)

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Able to Teach – Here is help from Thabiti Anyabwile on what the Apostle Paul meant when he said that an elder or pastor must be “able to teach.”

Economics for Everybody – This looks like a fascinating new teaching series from R.C. Sproul Jr. It should be available this summer. “Everybody talks about it. The news is full of it. But most Christians know very little about it. Economics: it’s everywhere, influencing everything, and so rarely understood.” I asked really nicely and they made the first episode free for you to watch.

Just Go Outside – I’m not sure what the organization is all about, but this commercial is pretty clever. It offers the cure for social media addiction.

20 Things – Here are twenty things that every counselor hears from the people he speaks with. Do you know how to answer these things?

How Fear Robs Me – This is a helpful reflection on all the fear of man can rob from you.

The Driving Force of Your Prayer Life – I enjoyed this article on the petition “Hallowed be your name.” “This is the highest request we could ever attain to make of God, for it is this which is His own most foundational and most ultimate commitment. He Himself has stated that He does all He does with a chief regard for the glory of His own name.”

The grace of God does not find men fit for salvation, but makes them so.


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