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A La Carte (6/1)

A La Carte Collection cover image

God’s Been Hunting Me Down – David Murray tells what he has learned from his recent health woes. “I know that’s the main message God has been sending me through these afflictions. STOP!” There are good lessons there for all of us.

The Book Surgeon – This is amazing stuff. I think I may have linked to it before. But it’s just as amazing now. If was rich…well, if I was rich I don’t know that I could justify spending money on it. But it’s still amazing.

Deals @ WTS – Westminster Books has some good deals this week. You can check out the new Christianity Explored books and DVDs at a deep discount and also get a selection of other good books at 45 or 50% off. Click the link for details.

Buying In Bulk – This is worth considering next time you head to Costco. “Is bigger necessarily better? Not when it comes to food packaging, at least if you’re watching your weight.”

Soldiers’ Bedrooms – This is kind of tragic–a gallery of some of the bedrooms that America’s young war dead have left behind.

A YouTube Sensation – This is a slightly older story I just stumbled across in my favorites folder. “It seems an ever-more common scenario: a death is captured in a photograph or video. The images are uploaded onto the Web. Within days, thousands, if not millions, of strangers have pierced their way into a family’s grief—gawking at the final moments of a life that were never meant to be public.”

Blog TourThe Next Story is in the midst of a blog tour. So if you want to check out a review or two, you may want to swing by the link.

Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see.

—William N. Clarke

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