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A La Carte (6/1)

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Friday June 1, 2007

Church: Paul points to a foundation that looks to be doing amazing work.

Blogs: SaidatSouthern is a site featuring bloggers (students, faculty and alumni) connected to Southern Seminary.

Bible:, a great little Bible memorization aid, is now free.

Media: An interesting look at how magazine covers stretch the truth.

Du Jour: Little sister Susanna writes a great little article about a true friend.

Theology: Reformed Baptist Fellowship provides a take on the distinctives of Reformed Baptist theology.

Race: Thabiti has good counsel on addressing race with children. And this is timely. Just yesterday my son said, “Some kids wanted to play baseball at school but others wanted to play cricket. All the brown kids wanted to play cricket.”

Technology: One of the world’s most prolific spammers was arrested, bringing about an immediate and noticeable decrease in spamming.

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