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A La Carte (6/1)

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Gideon’s Fleece
Daniel Block on thinkingly rightly about Gideon’s fleece: “Practices that appear in the Bible may at times seem very strange to us. When we encounter them we may at times supply our own intuition to what they mean as we seek to interpret the passage. In a case such as Gideon’s use of a fleece, we may even infer that since his strategy was successful, that it can stand as an approved procedure today. Before we draw such conclusions, it would be wise to examine the ancient world to see if we can understand more about this procedure.”

AIG Insurance Bailout
I love infographics and this one does a pretty good job of showing what has happened to all of that AIG bailout money.

Humility Study Guide
Dr. Michael Haykin has put together a brief study guide that can be used with C.J. Mahaney’s Humility. It is available as a free download.

Could Pixar’s Up House Really Fly?
Just for fun, Wired does the math to determine if the house from the movie Up could actually fly.

Expositors’ Conference 2009
Steve Lawson’s Expositors’ Conference is back again for 2009. “The conference this year will feature Dr. Steven Lawson and Dr. Joel Beeke, and is designed to strengthen church leadership’s committment to biblical ministry, model expository preaching, and be an encouragement through personal fellowship. In addition, it gives the attendees a unique opportunity to interact directly with Joel Beeke and Steve Lawson on a ministry and personal level.”

Deal of the Day: KJV Cornerstone UltraThin Bible
KJV Cornerstone UltraThin Bibles (Black Bonded Leather) are only $6 each, 80% off retail price at Monergism Books. One per customer. Registered customers will need to type the code ultrathinkjv in coupon box at checkout. One day only while supplies last.

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