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A La Carte (5/9)

A La Carte Collection cover image

The Struggle To Trust – Every parent can identify with the struggle to trust the Lord with your childrens’ salvation. “The way I hope my kids will come to salvation is quite narrow. I want them to soak in God’s word and truth by osmosis until one pretty spring day while we’re sitting under a big oak tree and enjoying a picnic, their little eyes open to the truths of God.”

Crossway Flood – In the aftermath of a devastating flood, Crossway is looking for your assistance. “Your willingness to stand with us today will help Crossway recover and carry forward our not-for-profit ministry and our strategic efforts to reach the world with the gospel and the truth of God’s word.”

Top Preaching Mistakes – Julian lists the top mistakes he makes in preaching, both in preparation and delivery.

A Close Encounter With Abortion – Marlin Stutzman: “Recently, after speaking on the House floor about the horrors of Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s abortion clinic in Philadelphia, I began wondering if my mother had ever thought about ending her unplanned pregnancy. My parents never gave any indication that it was ever a consideration, but was it?”

License Plate Readers – The sheer volume of information being collected and archived these days is amazing. License plate readers are just one of the most recent and most troubling.

What! Get to heaven on your own strength? Why, you might as well try to climb to the moon on a rope of sand!

—George Whitefield

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