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A La Carte (5/8)

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Honor the Vanilla Men – Carl Truemen on the apostle Paul: “What he advocates is the appointment of rather bland, non-descript, respectable men as elders. These vanilla men, basically competent and with no skeletons in the cupboard, are to be entrusted with keeping the church on the straight and narrow.”

One Remarkable Marriage – This is a powerful video that you just need to watch. John Piper says, “I tremble with the glad responsibility of introducing you to Ian & Larissa Murphy in this video. Tremble, because it is their story and so personal. So delicate. So easily abused. So unfinished. Glad, because Christ is exalted over all things.”

Leave it to the Imagination – This article looks at stories and fiction and talks about some of the things that are best left to the imagination.

Supermoon – The Big Picture has a gallery of amazing photos of the recent supermoon. Guess who forgot to go outside that night? Sigh.

Frequent Fliers – If you’ve got the time and interest, this is an interesting article about American Airlines’ ill-advised effort to sell lifetime passes.

Mothers Day and the Infertile – Russell Moore: “Mother’s Day is a particularly sensitive time in many congregations, and pastors and church leaders often don’t even know it. This is true even in congregations that don’t focus the entire service around the event as if it were a feast day on the church’s liturgical calendar. Infertile women, and often their husbands, are still often grieving in the shadows.”

As to breach of unity, nothing has ever more largely promoted the union of the true than the break with the false.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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