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A La Carte (5/7)

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Things Introverts Dread in Church – I can identify with all of these, though I’ve learned to enjoy at least a couple of them. This is a list of The Top 5 Things Introverts Dread about Church (written so extroverts may understand).

Canada Stops Making Cents – We’re so progressive up here in Canada. We’ve finally done what everyone’s been talking about and have gotten rid of the penny.

Terminology for the Web – This article looks at the way the web is changing our language and adding to our lexicon. And speaking of new words, here are some you may like to add to your vocabulary. They come courtesy of the new volume of the Dictionary of American Regional English.

Gospel Coalition Ontario – A Gospel Coalition conference is coming to Ontario at the end of the month. For those interested, they are now offering day passes as well as conference passes.

Avoid Burnout – David has a really helpful infographic that shares six simple ways to avoid burnout.

History in 15 Cars – Here’s the history of America in fifteen cars.

Aren’t You Being Intolerant? – How can we answer people when they say that we are intolerant? Greg Koukl provides a useful answer.

In Christ Jesus heaven meets earth and earth ascends to heaven.

—Henry Law

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