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A La Carte (5/6)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Tuesday May 6, 2008

Switchfoot’s “This is Home”
Switchfoot wrote and recorded a song that will be played over the closing credits for Prince Caspian. The song and video debuted yesterday on their web site.

Thanks Mom Marrow Donor Drive
A friend send me this video he made to commemorate his wife’s one year post-transplant anniversary and to encourage others to join the National Marrow Donor Registry.

Learn Big Words
Mark Altrogge encourages you to learn some big words. “We should learn certain biblical and theological words because they will help us love God more. They will help us appreciate the depths of what he’s done for us, in turn fueling our love for him and joy in him.”

Wikipedia’s Zealots
Here is an article to consider the next time you go searching for information on Wikipedia. “As I’m writing this column for the Financial Post, I am simultaneously editing a page on Wikipedia. I am confident that just about everything I write for my column will be available for you to read. I am equally confident that you will be able to read just about nothing that I write for the page on Wikipedia.”

Boredom Takes Wing
This unfortunate person provides advice on what to do on a long flight when there are no movies playing and when you’ve read all your books.

“The Reason for God” Review
At Reformation21 David Robertson has begun a multi-part critical review of Tim Keller’s “The Reason for God.”

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