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A La Carte (5/5)

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Pilgrim – Tony Reinke writes about Pilgrim, a musical production of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. It’s available now on DVD and looks quite good.

Nashville Landmarks Flooded – Here is a roundup of photos showing the flooding in Nashville.

Ernie Harwell – One of the all-time greats in his field has died. “Ernie Harwell, the acclaimed Tigers broadcaster whose eloquence and kindness made him a beloved Michigan institution, died tonight after a nearly year-long bout with cancer. He was 92. He died in his apartment at Fox Run Village, a retirement center in Novi, with Lulu, his wife of 68 years, at his side. His death came eight months to the day after he revealed to his fans, in an interview with the Free Press, that he had a cancerous tumor in the area of his bile duct and that in late July he had been given only a few months to live.”

Images from the Vietnam War – Here are some particularly compelling images from the Vietnam War.

Friends of the Blog – If you are a Friend of the Blog, you’ll find several new albums awaiting a download (for free, of course). If you’re not, well, here’s another good reason to sign up!

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