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A La Carte (5/5)

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Counter-Cultural Lips
Dr. Mohler writes about “True Lips Wait” and the move to hold off kissing until marriage. “There is no explicit biblical ban on premarital kissing, but any honest person knows that there are kisses than can only be considered sexual, naturally leading to the sex act itself. These young Christians are not afraid of their bodies, they are afraid of sinning against God and losing something precious to themselves as well.”

Saved Through Childbirth
Mounce takes a look at 1 Tim 2:15, undoubtedly one of the strangest and most difficult verses in the Bible.

Tweeting the Gospel
9Marks wants to know how you would tweet the gospel (using 140 characters or less). There are prizes for those who do the best job!

Obituary: The Emerging Church
Michael Patton writes an obituary for the Emerging Church and offers four reasons for its death. “They assumed that Evangelicals would listen and exit the building with them. But what happened was not unlike a disrespectful teenager who thought that he suddenly had it all figured out through a series of unadulterated epiphanies. He tugged on the shirt of his parents letting them know how much more he knew than them and he was blown off because of arrogance. ‘Tsk, tsk’ was the reply, ‘I remember when I thought I knew it all.’”

When Reporters Rise for the President
Yesterday lots of people were talking about a video showing how reporters rise for Obama when they did not for Bush. This article tells why. I post it simply because I bet the vast majority of us did not “believe the best” when we saw that video yesterday.

Deal of the Day: The Gagging of God
Ligonier Ministries is offering just about half off the price of D.A. Carson’s excellent The Gagging of God. “This clear, critically-acclaimed, scholarly response to that question affirms the deep need for the Gospel’s exclusive message in today’s increasingly pluralistic global community. In The Gagging of God, D.A. Carson offers an in-depth look at the big picture, shows how the many ramifications of pluralism are all parts of a whole, and then provides a systematic Christian response. “

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