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A La Carte (5/4)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Classic Petra – I’m not sure what to do with this information. “The latest band to join the ranks of the re-united is the original line-up of the classic rock band, Petra! That’s right, before John Schlitt was the band’s signature frontman, diehard fans will remember that Greg X. Volz was the band’s original singer. Now, the rock band is back together again – Greg, Louie Weaver (Drums), John Lawry (Keys, Vocals), Bob Hartman (Guitar, Vocals), and Mark Kelly (Bass, Vocals)!” Look, I like Petra as much as the next guy. They were the first Christian band I ever came across and I’ve always had a soft spot for them. I even went out to their Farewell tour when it swung through Toronto. But I can’t help but think that maybe it’s time to just hang ’em up now, guys. But if you come through Toronto I’ll come see you out of loyalty.

How To Write a Bad Worship Song – I guess Stephen Altrogge has written a few bad worship songs in his day because he seems to know a lot about them.

7 Thoughts on Reading the Bible – J.C. Ryle offers seven thoughts on reading the Bible.

How Much Do Artists Earn Online – Here’s an interesting infographic showing how much musicians earn through various distribution channels.

Apple Obsession – Live Science covers “The Science of iPad Fanaticism.”

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