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A La Carte (5/31)

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Two Kinds of Funeral – Gene Veith reflects on two funerals he went to and the differences between them. “Our culture does not know how to handle death. We insulate ourselves from it. The dying pass away out of sight. We are terrified of death. And so we sentimentalize it.”

The New Purpose of Marriage – Collin Hansen: “Long before same-sex marriage, no-fault divorce and birth control drastically shaped attitudes about marriage by eroding social stigmas against unmarried parenting, cohabitation, and sex outside marriage. Gay marriage may be a big step, but it’s only the next step in a staircase that doesn’t end here.”

The Spokesman – I enjoyed this short movie. “I simply had to make this video after meeting ‘James’ a very enigmatic man who has taken it upon himself to collect one bicycle from each developmental epoch for future generations to enjoy , a kind of time capsule if you will!”

Does Preaching Have a Future? – “Here are 14 statements about current trends and guesses as to the future of preaching.” There are some interesting things to ponder there.

When Will You Have Kids? – This blogger has a helpful view on what can be a very painful question.

33 Reasons to Abstain from Porn – Here is a list of 33 good reasons to abstain from indulging in pornography.

It was well done of Paul to reprove Peter to his face, and it was well done of Peter, to praise Paul in his absence.

—Thomas Adams

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