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A La Carte (5/29)

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Five Lies Sin Tells Me – Stephen Altrogge offers up five lies that sin tells us.

Why Coffee Is Called Joe – I learned this a few days ago when listening to a biography of FDR. Why is coffee called Joe? Now you’ll know…

A Grassroots Movement in My Church – Kevin DeYoung: “At a recent conference the three of us on the panel (all pastors) were asked the question, ‘As a layperson, should I start a grassroots movement to change my church?’ All three of us basically said, ‘No’.” He explains himself…

Christians and Suicide – “Christians sometimes live in a cloud of denial. This can be especially true if we are a member of a smaller church, where demographics may protect us from some of the worst pain the world experiences on a daily basis. Surely a real Christian wouldn’t commit suicide would they? Surely a real Christian can’t get depressed?”

Quit Calling Your Wife Hot – I’m definitely with Barnabas Piper on this one: Stop calling your wife hot (at least in front of the rest of us)! “Do you really want us trying to determine if your wife is, in fact, hot? I’m glad you think she’s a 10. You should. But calling attention to her hotness doesn’t honor her as much as it creates an opportunity for others to judge. And that’s just awkward.”

Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms.

—C.S. Lewis

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