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A La Carte (5/29)

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Divorcing Fact From Fiction
MacArthur does a good job answering the claim that divorce rates are no better among Christians than among others. “I don’t believe it, and in fact, I believe that is to dishonor the Lord, to say that the power of Christ is zero in a marriage–the power of the Holy Spirit in a marriage. I don’t believe that. I do not believe that true Christians get divorced at the same rate that non-Christians do.”

The Riskiest Search Terms on the Net
Here is a round-up of search terms that, if you search for them, are going to lead you into trouble. “Some of the riskiest searches on the Internet currently have to do with finding items for free, or looking for work that can be done from home, according to a new report from McAfee.”

Using Twitter During Church
Josh Harris writes about using Twitter in church. And don’t think that people aren’t doing it!

To The Sources!
Thirsty Theologian quotes Burk Parsons (who quotes somebody else–this is getting confusing): “We must be “Bible Calvinists” not “system Calvinists.” We can all too easily get sucked into what we feel is a neat system of thought, and forget that we ought to make everything that we believe compatible with Scripture, even if that means jettisoning ideas that flow well in a purely logical sense but are nonetheless incompatible with what the Bible teaches.”

Abortion Debate Changing
This is a rather interesting column in which a secular humanist explains why he has become pro-life. “As an atheist and a secular kinda guy, I practice moral relativism regularly. Still, I’ve always struggled mightily with the ethics and politics of abortion. Apparently, I’m not alone.”

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