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A La Carte (5/27)

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John Piper Interviews Rick Warren – Here is the long-awaited interview. You can read Piper’s purpose and rationale and then listen to the interview. “My aim in this interview is to bring out and clarify what Rick Warren believes about these biblical doctrines. In doing this my hope is that the thousands of pastors and lay people who look to Rick for inspiration and wisdom will see the profound place that doctrine has in his mind and heart.”

15 Killer Offices – Here are some amazing offices from various technology companies. They are amazingly creative but also surprisingly similar to one another.

Across the Great Divide – A free song for you to download.

$5 Friday – Ligonier has some good deals in their $5 Friday. Also, you can use the coupon code SPRING10 and get 10% off an order at their site. But only for another couple of days.

Six-Block Scar – “Following the devastating tornado which ripped though Joplin at the weekend, these satellite images show the extent of the damage. Before and after aerial photos show the shocking extent of the damage caused by the twister in the Missouri city – this image shows a six-block path of destruction.”

Alzheimer’s and the Gospel – From Carolyn McCulley: “A few weeks ago, I met Karyn Heath at a conference. As she spoke to me about her job caring for people with Alzheimer’s, I immediately asked her to write a guest post for my blog. This is necessary reading for all those who fear the future and those who are dealing with this disease right now.”

It is impossible for science to correct the Word of God, but it is possible for science to correct the word of the theologian.

—R.C. Sproul

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