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A La Carte (5/26)

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Monday May 26, 2008

Free Subscription from Matthias Media
“We’re [still!] giving away 500 FREE subscriptions to our monthly magazine, The Briefing, to North American readers. No obligation. No cost. Posted to you totally free. We just want you to get to know us a bit better, and this seems like a good way to do it.”

End Women’s Suffrage!
This video shows the absurdity of many petitions.

The Challenge of Attention in the Digital Age
I only skimmed this article by Dr. Mohler, but it looked good. “Courtney Martin identifies the state of our distracted minds as the primary cause of intellectual neglect. The static and noise of everyday life and the information overload combine to rob the mind of the capacity for attentiveness.”

Church to Debate Convert Motion
“A traditionalist Anglican has said he will continue with a campaign for the Church of England to work explicitly to convert Muslims to Christianity.” Many in the church do not wish to evangelize Muslims.

Hannitizing the GOP
Rick Pearcey on Hannity on a unified platform for the GOP in 2008.

Owen on Logos
The works of John Owen are in prepub for Logos. At $224.95 it’s a lot cheaper (and a lot more searchable) than the printed versions.

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