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A La Carte (5/25)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Costly Faithfulness – “It was the Anglican congregation’s firm stance on the authority of God’s word and the moral wrong of homosexuality that cost the 4,000-member church nearly everything they owned. Six years ago when the mainline Episcopal Church ordained an openly practicing homosexual bishop, 90 percent of The Falls Church congregation voted to break with the denomination and align with the conservative branch of the worldwide Anglican church.”

The Hidden Life of Prayer – In case you didn’t catch it yesterday, Christian Audio is giving away to the readers of this site the audiobook of The Hidden Life of Prayer, the book I will be leading us through in Reading Classics Together. It’s free for the taking whether or not you intend to read it with me. Just click the link and apply the coupon code HLOP12.

Singing About the Gospel – Bob Kauflin pulls a good old article out of the archives to say that singing about the gospel should never become rote.

Lame Prayers – Tony Reinke writes about the cure for lame table prayers.

41% of Americans Are Pro-Choice – “The percentage of Americans who identify themselves as ‘pro-choice’ is at the lowest point ever measured by Gallup, according to a new survey released Wednesday.” Owen Strachan gives his take on what this means.

In Jesus Name – A chaplain wrote Russell Moore to ask whether he always has to pray in the name of Jesus. Moore pens a helpful response.

A Wife’s Perspective on Seminary – This article will prove helpful to any wife whose husband is exploring seminary or currently attending.

The way to preserve the peace of the church is to preserve its purity.

—Matthew Henry

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