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A La Carte (5/24)

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I am up early today and doing a bit of work on the site. Largely I am attempting to implement a new commenting system–something I’d like to try out for a couple of weeks. The comments aren’t going to look quite as pretty, but I’m hoping that the new functionality will more than compensate.

Tornadoes Strike Again – What a year it has been. The Big Picture shows the devastation in Joplin. Some of these photos, like #11, are nearly unbelievable.

The Second Coming – This Sunday Ailistair Begg preached about Christ’s second coming. I haven’t been able to listen yet, but I’ve heard good reports.

Shepherding Women – Brian Croft offers some godly wisdom on the topic of a pastor shepherding women. “Wise, thoughtful, discerning, and balanced parameters needs to be the heart of every pastor’s approach. So then, here are a few suggestions I have found helpful over the years in avoiding these extremes as I personally try to care for women in the church, yet being very wise and aware of the biblical call to be above reproach…”

India’s Unwanted Girls – “India’s 2011 census shows a serious decline in the number of girls under the age of seven – activists fear eight million female foetuses may have been aborted in the past decade. The BBC’s Geeta Pandey in Delhi explores what has led to this crisis.”

Prescribing Jesus – “A Christian doctor in England has been threatened with an official warning from his professional body for discussing Jesus with a patient, The (London) Sunday Times reported.Richard Scott, a doctor for 28 years, is under investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC) and faces disciplinary action after he suggested to a 24-year-old man that he might find solace in Christianity.”

Reimagining the Big Mac – Senseless but kind of fun.

Red Flag – Your morning laugh (or giggle, anyway).

Be obedient even when you do not know where obedience may lead you.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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