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A La Carte (5/20)

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Why Have Babies? – Candice Watters offers a really helpful take on this question: Why have babies? “You may think your reasons for having babies are biblical, but if you’re like me, you’ve absorbed a lot more culture and a lot less Bible than you realize.”

Aiming at Heaven – A missionary seems particularly able to speak to this subject: “If there is one thing this life has taught me, it’s that I must hold loosely to everything. Everything. I can’t put down roots anywhere; I will never find stability.”

An Act of War – Going to church is an act of war. Here’s why.

The Personal Purgatory of Kevin Tunell – “In the early hours of Friday, January 1, 1982 the seventeen year-old Kevin Tunell made the biggest mistake of his life. At a New Year’s party near Washington DC, he got very drunk; his friends urged him not to drive but he insisted, ‘Nothing will ever happen to me’.” A tragic and strange story unfolds.

A Biblical and Scientific Adam – “As the battle between Darwinism and the Bible rages, some evangelicals have backed away from maintaining that Adam and Eve were real, historical individuals created in the way Genesis 2 relates.” Vern Poythress recently wrote a long article explaining why such a surrender is wrong biblically and scientifically.

If God should have no more mercy on us than we have charity to one another, what would become of us?

—Thomas Fuller

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