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A La Carte (5/2)

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Friday May 2, 2008

Who or What Defines “Reformed?”
R. Scott Clark writes about who or what can define the term “Reformed.” “Our Baptist friends are entitled to think what they will but they are not entitled to fundamentally re-define the adjective ‘Reformed.’ Implied in the attempt by some Baptists to re-define “Reformed” so that it no longer entails a doctrine of church and sacraments is a minimalist definition of ‘Reformed’ so that it only refers to the so-called ‘doctrines of grace.’”

Walk (Run) a Mile (a Few Feet) in Her Shoes
Thirsty Theologian’s daughter guest posts about “Walk A Mile In Her Shoes,” an event to call attention to domestic violence.

The World’s Most Expensive House
This seemed appropriate after yesterday’s interview about money. “The 27-storey skyscraper being built in Mumbai by Mukesh Ambani, the richest person in India, could be the world’s largest and costliest home with a price-tag nearing two billion dollar, according to Forbes magazine. “

The Fundamentals
Amy has a good word to share about the fundamentals of the faith.

Free Audio Book
This month’s free audio book from is “Martin Luther: In His Own Words.” (HT: S@S)

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