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A La Carte (5/18)

A La Carte Collection cover image

This spring we’ve had rain, rain and more rain. And when the rain has ended, there’s been a little bit more rain. I am starting to get a glimpse of what it must be like to live in Vancouver or Seattle! But it’s not all bad–the world is almost impossibly green right now, something that can only come with this quantity of rainfall.

John MacArthur – This is exciting news. Iain Murray’s long-awaited next biography will be on John MacArthur. Banner of Truth will be releasing it on May 30. The full title is John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock. Click here to get information or to be notified when it’s ready to ship.

You Are My Pastor – I loved this article from Thom Rainer. I’m blessed to have pastors like that, and long to be a pastor like that.

An Interview – The most recent issue of Christianity Today had an interview with me. They’ve just posted that interview online if you’d like to give it a read.

What Not to Wear – Mary Kassian has a helpful article on the always-difficult subject of modesty. “In 1 Timothy 2:9, the Lord provides three guidelines that help Christian women figure out what and what not to wear: ‘She adorns herself with respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control.’ Let’s examine these three guidelines to help us ensure that our looks are in good order, properly arranged, and ready to display Christ. “

Profiting from SinThe Atlantic lists the 10 states that profit most from sin.

Strong vs Weak – Here’s an excerpt from an article that discusses the terms “weak dollar” and “strong dollar” and why stronger isn’t always better than weaker. Living on the other side of the US border, I’m very well aware of the costs and benefits of a weak or a strong dollar!

The City Limits – This is a beautiful timelapse video.

There can be no victory where there is no combat.

—Richard Sibbes

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