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A La Carte (5/18)

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How Churches Invest Their Money – takes a look at the way three different churches invest their money. “Though official records are scarce, the world’s major churches are all believed to collect annual revenues in excess of several billion dollars. Like any other institution, these churches work hard to earn the highest possible return on their investments.”

The Contemporvant Service – Bob Kauflin looks at a recent viral video and asks what we can learn from it. “Like most viral videos seeking to make a point, this one has its supporters and detractors. Some call it a brilliant parody while others are deeply offended by its supposed slap in the face at churches targeting unbelievers. I tend to side with the first group, and I think there are a few things we can learn from it.”

Why iPad Owners Need a Kindle Too – From Macworld: “Now that I’ve used an iPad for a month and a half, I’ve come to realize that I still want, need and love my Kindle. In a nutshell, the e-book reading on the iPad is generally great. But the list of things the iPad does badly is identical to the list of things the Kindle does well. And vice versa.”

Deleting Your Facebook Account – I find it fascinating to track this growing movement against Facebook. It’s an example of how quickly opinions change in our digital world and how quickly a company can find itself on the wrong side of popular opinion. If you want to learn how to shut down your account (it’s surprisingly tough to do) you may want to reference this article.

Divorce Statistics – TIME examines a popular statistic and asks whether it is accurate. “Do half of all marriages really end in divorce? It’s probably the most often quoted statistic about modern love, and it’s a total buzz kill, in line with saying that half of all new shoes will give you hammertoes or that 50% of babies will grow up to be ugly. Now the divorce stat is coming under scrutiny — and not just because of its unromanticity.”

The Ligonier App – iPhone users will want to check out the new, free iPhone app from Ligonier Ministries.

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