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A La Carte (5/15)

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Kermit Gosnell’s America – Dr. Mohler writes about what Kermit Gosnell’s trial really reveals about America. “While the trial was not an open debate about the morality of abortion, that issue is what every thoughtful person recognizes is at stake — which is precisely why the pro-abortion movement had to insist, over and over again, that the morality of abortion is not the issue. Here is a clue: When you have to argue at every turn that the issue is not abortion, the issue is abortion.”

Arrows Out – “The mark of a true Christian is someone who has embraced, by faith, love’s ultimate expression in Christ’s death for us. By God’s design, this love in us becomes God’s love through us. That’s just the way he’s made it. Is it so hard to believe God would engineer it that way? The God who made water turn into ice and larvae turn into butterflies and winter turn into spring, can’t he engineer his love to turn haters into lovers? Turn takers into givers?”

The Legacy of Keith Green – I really enjoyed this conversation between Trevin Wax and Matt Papa on the life and legacy of Keith Green.

Tragic Worship – Here is a thought-provoking article from Carl Trueman: “The problem with much Christian worship in the contemporary world, Catholic and Protestant alike, is not that it is too entertaining but that it is not entertaining enough.”

Online Safety – We are probably all getting a little weary of reading articles like this one, but the takeaway remains important and too-often overlooked: Little kids are going online and behaving like adults.

The fruit of the Spirit is not excitement or orthodoxy; it is character.

—G.B. Duncan

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