Tuesday May 13, 2008
Dr. Mohler’s Response to the Evangelical Manifesto
Dr. Mohler has provided a detailed response to the recent Evangelical Manifesto. “In the end, I must judge “An Evangelical Manifesto” to be too expansive in terms of public relations and too thin in terms of theology. I admire so much of what this document states and represents, but I cannot accept it as a whole. I want it to be even more theological, and to be far more specific about the Gospel… This document will have to be much more theological for it to accomplish its own stated purpose. “
Pulpit Magazine Responds
Pulpit Magazine also responds to the document.
College: A Cruel Hoax for Some
“No one is thinking about the larger implications, let alone the morality, of admitting so many students to classes they cannot possibly pass. The colleges and the students and I are bobbing up and down in a great wave of societal forces — social optimism on a large scale, the sense of college as both a universal right and a need, financial necessity on the part of the colleges and the students alike, the desire to maintain high academic standards while admitting marginal students — that have coalesced into a mini-tsunami of difficulty.”